Your wedding ceremony in the Loire Valley in France!
You have decided to get married in the Loire Valley in France : congratulations !
I will be very happy to be your wedding celebrant !
I celebrate English wedding ceremony or French-English or Spanish wedding ceremonies since several years now (since 2016) and I am happy to propose you different services :
From your bespoken creation and celebration to the reading of your wedding ceremony during your elopement !
My job is to create the ceremony of your dreams and to create a link between you, your love story and your guests !
I will write your bespoken wedding ceremony according to details you would give me within a question list. I will be able to help you choosing your musics, texts, rituals. Concerning your vows, we would exchange on them and I’ll give you some advice if needed ! If your guests want to make a speech, I would advise them. Anyway, I will do my best to celebrate the most bespoken and amazing wedding ceremony for you !
Since two years, I am also specialized in wedding elopement in the beautiful Loire Valley !
Please contact me concerning the prices !
Member of the French Wedding Suppliers
Please feel free to contact me !
Usted ha decidido casarse en el Valle del Loira en Francia : muchas felicidades !
Estaré muy feliz de ser su celebrante de la boda !
Celebro ceremonias de boda en español o en franco-español y estoy feliz de proponerte diferentes servicios :
Mi mision es ayudar a personas como tu que quiere celabrar un momento muy importante de su vida y disfrutarle con tu seres queridos !
Explicadme antes del gran día cómo quieres que sea tu ceremonia. Con mis bonitas palabras, y mi experiencia, me encargaré de que ese momento tan especial de su vida sea realmente único.
Me adaptaré a tu estilo, a tus valores y a tus peticiones para que disfrutais de una ceremonia 100% personalizada y totalmente fiel a su esencia.
¿Cómo? Estudiando cada detalle –como las lecturas, el momento del intercambio de las alianzas y la música– y gestionándolo todo para que el resultado sea el esperado !
El precio de mi servicio dependrá de lo que tu quieres.

Picture by @Camilledufosse
Let’s talk about it !
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